A bone tumor in the finger

Case Identification

Case ID Number
Position within the bone
Benign or Malignant

Clinical case information

Case presentation

The 34-year-old man has a 2 year history gradual growth of a slightly tender mass on the index finger. There is no other significant medical history or exam finding.

Radiological findings:
There is a mass on the dorso-radial surface of the middle phalanx, with a slight abnormality in the cortex.
Laboratory results:
no laboratory analysis was made.
Differential Diagnosis
The differential diagnosis will include surface lesions.
Special Features of this Case:
Surface lesions are a special group of tumors, and since there are only a few tumors in this group, the list of possibilities is short. A surface lesion on the phalanx of a finger or toe, especially with the xray features this one has, is a "classic" presentation of one tumor in particular. Which one is it? For exam purposes, students should memorize the names of all surface lesions along with their features.
Case Answer
Clinical Case Answer