Multiple cartilage tumors and hip pain

Case Identification

Case ID Number
Position within the bone
Benign or Malignant

Clinical case information

Case presentation

A 39 year old woman had a history of shortened, deformed extremities and previously had corrective surgery. The patient now presents complaining of left hip pain at the side of a lesion that has previously been operated.

Radiological findings:
A radiograph of the hip and two CT images are shown. The hand radiograph shows multiple characteristic radiographic features and it should immediately confirm the diagnosis. Seen in the radiograph of the distal femur is an additional "classic" radiographic feature of this condition that has been described as "sled runner tracks". An AP radiograph of the pelvis is also shown.

An additional CT image shows the scar from the previous surgical procedure and its relationship to the left hip lesion.
Differential Diagnosis
1) What is the diagnosis?

2) Is this condition hereditary?

3) What is the lesion in the left hip?
Case Answer
Clinical Case Answer